flōtblog: fotoflot.com

Getting the most out of the fotoflōt web application

fotoflot.com &KODAK Gallery &Picasa &Picasa Web Albums &SmugMug &Support &Zenfolio | 06 Sep 2009

Quick tour through the fotoflōt application …

The fotoflōt application provides many features. This post will show how to login to an account, select an image, and create a fotoflōt for checkout. Simply click any of the images in this post to see a larger version of that image.

fotoflot.com start screenStart the application by pointing your browser to https://fotoflot.com. From the main application screen you can explore all parts of the application. Simply click the orange “fotoflot your images” button to start working with your own images.

fotoflot.com login screenThe login screen allows you to create a fotoflot.com account, or to connect to your images in existing fotoflōt or partner service accounts. Simply select the gallery you want to connect to, provide your user name and password and you are on your way.

You can upload additional images into your fotoflot.com account after successful login.

fotoflot.com pick image screenNavigate to the folder that contains the image you’d like to flōt by clicking the name of the folder in the browse tree on the left. An image can be selected by clicking on the image in the pick area on the right.

fotoflot.com pick product screenThe fotoflōt application will present all available products for that image. The list will be sorted by best fit, meaning that the products that require least cropping are presented first.

You can refine your selection in the header of the pick area. The product orientation can be selected (landscape, portrait) as well as the mounting option (desk wall). Depending on the selected options, more or less products will be presented.

The product browser takes the resolution of your image into account. Green rectangles indicate that your mage has enough resolution for that product. Red rectangles indicate that the crop required to fit your image to the selected product will yield too low of a resolution.

Products with different sizes but same shapes (width-to-height ratio, aspect ratio) will be shown together. Simply click one of those images to select that product size for your image.

fotoflot.com image croppingUse the mouse to select the area of your image you would like to have on the fotoflōt. You can resize and reposition the desired area.

The application may eliminate certain product options if your selection results in an unacceptably low image resolution.

fotoflot.com product selectionWhen you are satisfied with the result, click the “add-to-cart” button for the product size you’d like. Your selection is automatically added to the shopping cart.

The quantity of a product is adjusted in the cart in case you add the same product with the same image crop more than once. Additional line items are added to the cart if you select a different product size or a different crop for the same image.

At this point you can select the “Return” button to select additional images. You can also start the checkout process through the “Check out” button.

fotoflot.com shopping cartReview the content of your shopping cart before you continue to the data entry section of the check out process. Here you can eliminate items from the cart or clear the entire cart if necessary.

If the cart shows the products and quantities you’d like, continue with the “Check Out” button at the bottom.

fotoflot.com check outA new window will show up after a few moments. Depending on your pop-up blocker selection, your browser or Internet security software may try to prevent this window from opening. Please grant fotoflot.com the permission to open this window.

The first step of checkout is to select the country and postal code of the shipping address. After you made your selected, go to the final step (shipping address, billing address, credit cart) by clicking on the “Checkout” button at the bottom of the screen.

fotoflot.com &KODAK Gallery | 10 Dec 2008

fotoflōt your KODAK Gallery photos

KODAK Gallery customers, now it’s easy to flōt any of your online photos and bring out the best in them:

  • All their rich color and detail are visible, without glass and glare.
  • The “float mount” suspends them off the wall, creating a subtle emphasis.
  • The magnetic mount makes it easy to change images where space is limited.

Simply login page on fotoflot.com and use your KODAK Gallery credentials to log in. Your email address associated with the KODAK Gallery account plus password give immediate access to all your albums and images on KODAK Gallery.

Login-Kodak Gallery-full

Once you log in with your KODAK Gallery credentials, you’ll see your albums and images. Pick a photo and flōt it!

Albums-Kodak Gallery-full

fotoflot.com &Picasa &Picasa Web Albums | 11 Oct 2008

fotoflōt your Picasa Web Albums photos

fotoflot.com makes it easy for Google’s Picasa Web Albums users to make their photos look their best:

  • vivid colors and contrast without glass and glare
  • floating off the wall or desk
  • held in place with magnets for quick change

Simply go to the login page on fotoflot.com and use your Picasa Web Albums credentials to log in. Your Picasa Web Albums nickname or email address associated with the Picasa Web Albums account plus password gives immediate access to all your albums and images on Picasa Web Albums.

You have direct access to all your Picasa Web Albums images. Just log into your Picasa Web Albums account from fotoflot.com and you can print your images on fotoflot. fotoflōt displays images without frames, glass, mattes, or glare. Images float off of the wall or desk and are help in place with magnets.

Once you log in with your Picasa Web Albums credentials, you’ll see your albums and images. Pick a photo and flōt it!

You have direct access to all your Picasa Web Albums images. Just log into your Picasa Web Albums account from fotoflot.com and you can print your images on fotoflot. fotoflōt displays images without frames, glass, mattes, or glare. Images float off of the wall or desk and are help in place with magnets.

fotoflot.com &Picasa | 11 Oct 2008

fotoflōt your Picasa photos

fotoflot.com is partnered with Google’s Picasa software, making it easy for Picasa 2 or 3 customers to make their photos look their best:

  • vivid colors and contrast without glass and glare
  • floating off the wall or desk
  • held in place with magnets for quick change

You can easily fotoflōt your photos directly from your Picasa 2 or Picasa 3 software. If you are using Picasa 2, simply select one or more images, click the “Order Prints” button at the bottom of the screen and choose fotoflōt.

Menu-Picasa 2-full

It works the same in Picasa 3 – just select your images and click on the “Shop” button at the bottom of the screen.

Menu-Picasa 3-full

Click on Choose under the fotoflōt logo.

Picasa 3 - Select fotoflōt

Click on “Create an account…” if you don’t have a fotoflot.com account yet. If you do, be sure to enter your fotoflot.com email and password.

Picasa login box

When you arrive at fotoflot.com, you’ll be ready to select one of the images you just uploaded and flōt it!

Albums-Picasa 3-full

fotoflot.com &Zenfolio | 11 Oct 2008

fotoflōt your Zenfolio photos

fotoflot.com is partnered with Zenfolio, making it easy for Zenfolio customers to make their photos look their best:

  • vivid colors and contrast without glass and glare
  • floating off the wall or desk
  • held in place with magnets for quick change

Simply go to the login page on fotoflot.com and use your Zenfolio credentials to log in. Your Zenfolio nickname or email address associated with the Zenfolio account plus password gives immediate access to all your albums and images on Zenfolio.


Once you log in with your Zenfolio credentials, you’ll see your albums and images. Pick a photo and flōt it!


fotoflot.com &SmugMug | 11 Oct 2008

fotoflōt your SmugMug photos

fotoflot.com is partnered with SmugMug, making it easy for SmugMug customers to make their photos look best:

  • vivid colors and contrast without glass and glare
  • floating off the wall or desk
  • held in place with magnets for quick change

Simply go to the login page on fotoflot.com and use your SmugMug credentials to log in. Your SmugMug nickname or email address associated the SmugMug account plus password gives immediate access to all your albums and images on SmugMug.


Once you log in with your SmugMug credentials, you’ll see your albums and images. Pick a photo and flōt it!


fotoflot.com &Support | 10 Oct 2008

In case of trouble …

We have put a lot of effort into fotoflot.com and every release is thoroughly tested. But there are so many factors out of our control (such as computers, operating systems, browsers, Flash versions, Internet Service Providers, firewalls, proxies, …) and sometimes, something can go wrong.fffaq2-small.jpg

Please drop us a note if you see anything that does not seem quite right. It would be extremely helpful if we received some support information in addition to your problem description.

Support information can be found in the FAQ section that you can reach from the page footer. Simply scroll all the way to the bottom and copy and paste the support information into an email to us at ContactUs@fotoflot.com or a message from the contact form above.