flōtblog: How fotoflōts are used

Interesting things people are doing with fotoflōts

Archive for the Tag 'Collage'

Collage &fotoflōts on walls &fotoflōts on desks &Story telling | 24 Oct 2009

Her first walk

Our granddaughter is a year old and recently began walking. She had been taking a few steps for a couple weeks and clearly was determined to master the walking thing. We took her to a nearby park and let her go. After 30 minutes of nonstop walking and a few stumbles, she got it and […]

Collage &fotoflōts on desks | 14 Jan 2008

fotoflōts: great for collages

Our family recently took a weekend trip to Montreal to celebrate my wife’s birthday and I came back with a bunch of pictures. I decided to create a collage from a couple of them on a 7.5″x15″ desktop fotoflōt. You can use any size fotoflōt for a collage, but a few seem to be especially […]