Carolyn Allen, one of our early customers, fotoflōted her entire family – seven 15″x20″ black & white portraits that she took. The fotoflōts are mounted in their stairwell. She sent photos of the installation and said, “They show how true it is that anyone can do it! In just an hour and a half we got everything in place.”

Carolyn recently gave us more feedback about her delight with the magnetic mounting system. It let her rearrange her fotoflōts as needed, and turns a typically passive experience of enjoying photos into an interactive one. Here’s the story in Carolyn’s own words:
Artwork that goes on the wall and sits in one place forever tends to get boring. I’m always on the lookout for the possibility of “active” art that can be changed in some way to keep it interesting. It was a happy day when I found that fotoflōt was even more clever than I had imagined. It offers pieces that can easily be switched around for different looks in the same space.
When family members come to visit, a quick click of the magnets moves the visitor into “first place” at the foot of the stairs. As our kids start to get married, I am adding their spouses to the gallery. If a couple ever has a tiff, I can give them a brief separation on the staircase until they work things out!
With the new packaging that doubles as storage, I will be able to have more fotoflōts than wall brackets and increase my switch-around options. This kind of art that’s quality plus fun is my ideal.
Carolyn also sent illustrations showing her husband preparing for a visit from “Daughter A”:
- Daughter A is halfway up the stairs. She comes off the wall for promotion to “first place” at the foot of the stairs.

- Daughter B comes off the prime position.

- Daughter A goes onto the prime position.

- Daughter B moves up the stairway – until she comes back to visit Mom and Dad.

Tags: active art, black and white, change, fotoflot, magnetic mounting, move, portraits, quick change, rearrange, staircase